A History of Europe
(and malcontents)
Chapter 1: Pre-history and Forgotten History
Before 200 B.C.
Introduction |
Out of the Ice |
From Cave to Village |
The Megalith Builders |
The Minoans |
The Bronze Age and the Indo-European Migration |
The Mycenaeans |
The Phoenician Pioneers |
The Villanovan Culture |
The Celts |
Pre-Roman Britain |
The Legends of the Emerald Isle |
Chapter 2: Classical Greece
1000 to 197 B.C.
What Made Classical Greece So Special? |
The Archaic Period |
Colonization |
Aristocracy, Oligarchy, and Tyranny |
Militant Sparta |
The Athenian Road to Democracy |
The Persian Wars |
Why the Greeks Won |
Athenian Democracy |
Greek Medicine |
Hellenic Poetry and Drama |
Hellenic Architecture, Sculpture and Pottery |
Athenian Society |
Athenian Imperialism |
Athenian-Spartan Rivalry |
The Peloponnesian War |
Spartan and Theban Ascendancy |
Philip of Macedon |
Alexander the Pretty-Good |
Alexander's Empire Up For Grabs |
Hellenistic Devolution |
Pre-Classical Greek Religion |
The Early Philosophers |
The Sophists and Socrates |
Plato and Aristotle |
Other Developments in Greek Philosophy |
Chapter 3: The Rise of Rome
753 to 27 B.C.
The Etruscans |
The Founding of Rome |
The Roman Monarchy, 753-509 B.C. |
The Roman Republic: The Early Years |
Rome Becomes the Capital of Italy |
The Samnite Wars |
Pyrrhus |
Carthage |
The First Punic War |
Interbellum |
Hannibal and the Second Punic War |
Roman Intervention in the East |
The Third Punic War |
Growing Pains |
The Reforms of the Gracchi |
Marius |
The Social War |
Sulla |
Pompey's Campaigns and Spartacus |
The Catiline Conspiracy |
The Rise of Julius Caesar |
The Gallic Wars |
Caesar Rules Alone |
The Second Triumvirate |
27 B.C. to 180 A.D.
Caesar Augustus |
Tiberius |
Caligula |
Claudius I |
Nero |
The Flavian Dynasty |
The Antonines: "Five Good Emperors" |
The Roman Achievement |
Economic Prosperity |
Rome, Imperial Capital |
Roman Engineering and Architecture |
Knowledge and Science in the Roman Empire |
Chapter 5: Decline and Fall
180 to 476 A.D.
Troubled Times Begin |
The Severan Dynasty |
The Barbarians Learn New Tricks |
The Soldier Emperors |
Diocletian |
The Tetrarchy Breaks Down |
Constantine I |
Constantinian Christianity |
Announcing the Middle Ages |
Constantine's Successors Muddle Through |
Julian the Apostate |
The House of Valentinian |
The Beginning of the End of the Classical World |
Notable Fifth-Century Christians |
Alaric the Visigoth |
Gaiseric the Lame |
Attila the Hun |
The Arthurian Mythos |
The Final Collapse of the West |
The East Survives |
Chapter 6: The West at its Lowest Ebb
476 to 741
The Rise of Feudalism |
What Really Happened in Medieval Warfare |
Clovis |
Theodoric the Ostrogoth |
Justinian |
Justinian's Campaigns |
Avars, Lombards and Slavs on the Move |
Heraclius |
The Byzantine Way |
The Visigoth Kingdom |
The Merovingian Dynasty |
England: The Heptarchy |
Commerce in the Dark Ages |
The Church's Role in the Recovery of the West |
Against Islam's First Wave: The Empire and the Eastern Church |
Iconoclasm: Act I |
Population in the Dark Ages |
Chapter 7: The Viking Era
741 to 1000
Iconoclasm: Act II |
Charlemagne |
The Carolingian Renaissance |
Wessex and the Carolingian States |
The Fury of the Northmen |
Alfred the Great |
The Atlantic Saga |
Commerce in the Viking Era |
The Church Backslides and Splits |
Basil the Magnificent |
The Macedonian Revival Continues |
Introducing Basil II |
The Caliphate of Cordova |
The First Reich and the Recovery of Christendom |
A New Beginning |
Chapter 8: The High Middle Ages
1000 to 1300
Basil the Bulgar-Slayer |
The Kingmaker Princesses |
The Normans Go to Italy |
William the Conqueror |
The Norman Kingdoms |
The Papal Investiture Controversy |
El Cid and the Reconquest |
Byzantium Under Siege Again |
Frederick Barbarossa |
Innocent III |
Commerce in the High Middle Ages |
Population Growth and Medieval Republics |
The Plantagenets |
Centralization in France |
Frederick II, Il Stupor Mundi |
The Mongol Horde in Poland and Hungary |
The Embattled Empire |
The Magna Carta and the First Parliament |
The Evolution of Castles |
Central Europe's Technological Experiment |
Chapter 9: Transition and Turmoil
1300 to 1485
The Hanseatic League and the Merchants of Venice |
Scotland vs. England |
The Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy |
The Hundred Years War: From Sluys to Crécy |
The Black Death |
The Hundred Years War: Reverses and Revolts |
The Rise of the Hapsburgs |
The Birth of Switzerland |
The Union of Kalmar |
The Great Schism |
Wycliffe and the Hussites |
The Failure of Greenland |
The Hundred Years War Resolved |
The End of the Byzantine Empire |
Nice Knowing You, Burgundy |
The Wars of the Roses, Phase 1 (1455-65) |
The Wars of the Roses, Phase 2 (1469-71) |
The Wars of the Roses, Phase 3 (1483-85) |
Showdown in Spain |
Renaissance Italy |
The Early Renaissance Men |
Economics at the End of the Middle Ages |
The First Age of Invention |
Chapter 10: The Age When Europe Woke Up
1485 to 1618
How the White Man Got Ahead of Everybody Else |
The Politics of Europe at the End of the Fifteenth Century |
The Subjugation of Italy |
Artists of the High Renaissance |
Machiavelli |
The Beginning of the Spanish Century |
Sixteenth-Century Population and Economics |
The Reformation |
The Ups and Downs of Charles V |
Revolts in France and the Netherlands |
The Spanish Armada |
Merrie Olde England |
Sweden Returns to the Stage |
How to Elect a King |
Chapter 11: The Game of Princes and Politics
1618 to 1772
The Thirty Years War: An Overview |
The Bohemian Phase |
The Danish Phase |
The Swedish Phase |
The French Phase and the Treaty of Westphalia |
England's Political Experiment |
The Stuart Restoration |
Sweden at its Peak |
The Sun King |
The War of the Spanish Succession |
Statistics on Population and Religion for the Early Eighteenth Century |
Scientific, Literary and Military Revolutions |
The Wars of the Quadruple Alliance and the Polish Succession |
The War of the Austrian Succession |
The Seven Years War |
The First Partition of Poland |
Chapter 12: A Generation of Revolution
1772 to 1815
It All Started in America |
The First French Revolution |
The Reign of Terror |
The Directory |
The End of Poland--For Now |
Enter Napoleon Bonaparte |
The United Irishmen's Revolt |
The First Consul Takes on the Second Coalition |
The First French Empire |
Napoleon at the Height of Power |
From Moscow to Elba |
The Hundred Days |
Population at the End of the Revolutionary Era |
The Industrial Revolution Begins |
Chapter 13: The Age of Industry
1815 to 1914
The Congress of Vienna |
Cracks in the Metternich System |
The July Revolution and the Birth of Belgium |
The Rothschilds: Financial Royalty |
The German Confederation |
The Sonderbund War |
Demographics, 1815-1848 |
Britain Goes Industrial |
The Year of Unsuccessful Revolutions |
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back |
The First World's Fair |
The Unification of Italy |
The Iron Chancellor's Bag of Tricks |
The Franco-Prussian War |
The Paris Commune |
Demographics, 1848-1871 |
Bismarck's Peace |
The Age of Imperialism |
Demographics, 1871-1914 |
A New Century Begins |
How NOT to Win Friends and Influence People |
The Powder Keg of Europe |
1914 to 1919
It Started as the Third Balkan War |
The Lights Go Out |
The Schlieffen Plan |
The Decisive Campaign |
Other Events of 1914 |
1915 |
1916 |
1917 |
The Last German Offensive |
The Central Powers Give Up |
1919 to 1939
Disillusionment at Versailles |
The Free Cities |
The Irish Free State |
The Ex-Monarchs |
From Idealism to Upheaval |
The Rise of Mussolini |
The Scourge of the Depression |
War Games in Ethiopia and Spain |
Suddenly, It Became Hitler's Austria |
The Munich Agreement |
The Maginot Line |
1939 to 1945
The Blitzkrieg Unleashed |
Hitler Strikes North |
The Fall of the West |
The Battle of Britain and the Campaigns of 1941 |
Under the Swastika |
The "Final Solution" |
Underground Resistance |
The Battle of the Atlantic |
The Air War |
The Underbelly of the Axis |
The Liberation of France |
The Final 150 Days |
1945 to 1990
Due to Lack of Interest, World War III was Canceled |
Postwar Territorial Changes |
The Nuremberg Trials |
The Iron Curtain Descends |
The Marshall Plan |
Occupied Germany and the Berlin Airlift |
Yugoslavia Breaks With Moscow |
The Postwar Leaders of Western Europe |
Unrest in the Soviet Empire |
Fascism's Last Stand |
The Nations That Tried to Buy Happiness |
Northern Ireland's Troubles |
The Common Market |
The End of the Cold War |
1990 to 2000
The Late-Blooming Mediterranean Republics |
The Northern Ireland Crisis -- Solved |
A United States of Europe? |
Eastern Europe in the 1990s |
The Yugoslav Wars: The Slovenian and Croatian Phases |
The Yugoslav Wars: The Bosnian Phase |
The Yugoslav Wars: The Albanian Phase |
Demographics, 1914-2000 |
Europe Today |
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