A History of Africa
(and malcontents)
Introduction |
When the Sahara Was Green |
The First Steps Toward Civilization |
Chapter 2: Valley of the Pharaohs
Egypt before 664 B.C.
The Gift of the Nile |
Most Ancient Egypt |
The Archaic or Protodynastic Era |
The Pyramid Age |
Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt |
Egyptian Mathematics and Science |
Ancient Nubia |
The End of the Old Kingdom |
The First Intermediate Period |
The Middle Kingdom |
The Second Intermediate Period |
The Rise of the New Kingdom |
Thutmose I |
The First Feminist |
Imperial Egypt |
The Amarna Revolution |
The Ramessid Age |
The Third Intermediate Period |
814 to 264 B.C.
Elissa's New City |
The First Phase of the Struggle For Sicily |
The Dionysian Wars |
Timoleon's War |
Agathocles Strikes the Carthaginian Heartland |
The Pyrrhic Epilogue |
Chapter 4: Africa in the Classical Era
664 B.C. to 641 A.D.
Egypt: The Late Period |
The Persian Conquests |
Alexander's Victory Tour |
The Good Ptolemies |
The Bad Ptolemies |
The Queen of Kings |
Kush: The Meroitic Phase |
The End of Pharaonic Egypt |
Roman Africa |
North African Christianity |
Axum |
The Vandal Kingdom |
Meanwhile, Below the Sahara |
Africa's Population In Ancient Times |
Ancient African Explorers |
641 to 1415
The Sword of Islam |
The Settlement of Madagascar |
Across the Burning Sands |
The Rise of Ghana |
Islam Divided |
Nigerian Surprises |
The Cities of the Messiah and the Conqueror |
Cities of Coral |
Ghana Revisited |
Medieval Ethiopia and Nubia |
The Legend of Prester John |
Mali |
The Prince of Travelers |
Kanem, Bornu and the Hausa States |
Mapungubwe, Thulamela and Zimbabwe: A Heritage Restored |
Chapter 6: The Forest Kingdoms
1415 to 1795
Prince Henry's Captains |
The Way to the Orient |
Songhay |
Kongo and the Rise of Modern Slavery |
Mwene Mutapa |
Cross vs. Crescent: The Indian Ocean and East Africa |
Cross vs. Crescent: The Mediterranean Front and the Maghreb |
Morocco and the Sahel Out of Balance |
East African Tribal Migrations |
Dutch, French, English and Omani Intruders |
Benin |
Oyo and Dahomey |
Ashanti |
Luba, Lunda and Kuba |
The Barbary States |
The Cape Colony |
Madagascar Coalesces |
The Effects of the Slave Trade on Population |
Chapter 7: The Dark Continent Partitioned
1795 to 1914
Great Britain Comes to South Africa |
The Napoleonic Gambit |
The Fulani Jihads |
"To the Shores of Tripoli" |
The Golden Age of African Exploration Begins |
Shaka Zulu |
Madagascar: The Merina Monarchy |
Mohammed Ali Modernizes Egypt |
The Abolitionist Triumph |
France Invades Algeria |
Aftershocks of the Mfecane |
The Great Trek |
David Livingstone |
The Quest for the Source of the Nile |
Egypt in Bondage |
The Mahdist Revolt |
Abyssinia Regenerates |
The Zulu War |
The "Scramble for Africa," Part I |
From the Cape to Cairo |
"Heart of Darkness" |
From Dakar to Djibouti |
The Boer War |
Libya and Morocco: The Last Unturned Stones |
Chapter 8: "Wind of Change"
1914 to 1965
World War I |
Troubles in the Italian Empire |
The Beginnings of African Nationalism |
The Rif War and Maghreb Nationalism |
The Road to World War II Passed Through Ethiopia |
The Liberation of French Africa |
The See-Saw Struggle in North Africa |
Decolonization Begins |
North Africa Rejoins the Arab World |
The Algerian War |
The Mau Mau Rebellion |
"The African Year": Independence Below the Sahara |
The Congo Crisis |
South Africa and Rhodesia: Segregation Forever |
Chapter 9: The Independence Era
1965 to 2005
Independence: Tying Up the Loose Ends |
Civil War in the Ex-Portuguese Empire |
Who Owns the Western Sahara? |
One-Man Rule: |
The Good |
The Bad |
And the Ugly |
North Africa Takes a Military Road |
Tunisia & Egypt |
Algeria |
Somalia & Sudan |
Libya |
Mauritania |
Nigeria: The Great Underachiever |
The Horn of Africa: Horn of Famine |
Ethiopia & Eritrea |
Somalia |
Southern Africa: The Fall of Apartheid |
Rhodesia/Zimbabwe |
South Africa |
Southwest Africa/Namibia |
Rwanda, Burundi, and the Congo: Still the Dark Heart of Africa |
The Island at the End of the World |
America's Stepchild and Her Anarchic Neighbors |
Liberia |
The Ivory Coast |
Sierra Leone |
The Islamist Menace |
Starting Over Again With the African Union |
Modern African Demographics |
The Challenges Facing Modern Africa |
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