![]() A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR CABINDAIn my church is an African gentleman named Norbert Itoula, who was born in Cabinda, the enclave of land that Angola holds on the north bank of the Congo River, and he lived as a political refugee in Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville before coming to America. On Yahoo! he has started a group called Mouvement_Cabinda, where he posted these messages in French. His English is not very good, so he asked me to translate and post an English version. I think he picked me because I’m the only church member who knows where Cabinda is, and that a local separatist movement, the FLEC, has been trying to secure independence for Cabinda since Angola won its independence from Portugal. Along that line, I ran his messages through Babel Fish, the language translator for the Alta Vista search engine (see the bottom of this page). I learned French in high school, but alas, have forgotten much of it since then. For each message I will post the original French first, and then the English version I came up with. Hopefully there will not be too many errors. First, the introduction on the Cabinda group’s front page: Description L’un des objectifs majeurs poursuivis, en créant le nouveau site est de faire connaitre les données géopolitiques, économiques et juridiques du problème de Cabinda, placées dans leur contexte historique et colonial. De telles données pourraient, à n’en point douter, aider tout un chacun à mieux comprendre le problème de Cabinda et à s’engager d’une quelconque manière dans la recherche d’une solution politique juste, durable et définitive pouvant permettre au Cabinda, ce beau pays, hélas, cruellement ravagé par plusieurs années d’occupation, de guerre, de pillage économique, de retrouver le chemin de la paix, du mieux-être, de la souveraineté ou indépendance et de la place qui lui revient de droit dans le concert des nations et peuples libres et prospères. Ce site constitue un forum ouvert à un débat positif et constructif au sujet du problème de Cabinda. Puisse la contribution de tout un chacun amener à la realization d’un Cabinda libre, souverain et prospère! ================================== Description One of the pursued major goals, by creating the new site is to make known the geopolitical, economic and legal data of the problem of Cabinda, placed in their historical and colonial context. Such data could, no doubt, help all one each one with better including/understanding the problem of Cabinda and beginning of an unspecified manner in research of a political just, durable and final solution, to allow Cabinda, this beautiful country, which alas, has been cruelly devastated by several years of occupation, war, of economic plundering, to find the way of the peace, the greater comfort, the sovereignty or independence and the place which return to him from right in the concert of the nations and free and prosperous people. This site constitutes a forum open to a positive and constructive debate about the problem of Cabinda. Let the contribution of each member bring to the realization of free, sovereign and prosperous Cabinda! ================================== And now, the main message: APPEL A L’UNITE DES FORCES POLITIQUES, SOCIALES ET ECCLESIALES DU CABINDA Mes chers compatriotes, Dans la situation que vit aujourd’hui notre héroïque peuple, les querelles des personnes ou de groupes et les ambitions légitimes ou non, qui empêchent notre peuple de réaliser l’unité de ses forces, ne sont plus tolérables. Il est urgent pour ce peuple cruellement meurtri par plusieurs années d’errement de se doter d’un organe représentatif, d’une direction incontestée, capable de le guider dans les moments difficiles et de le défendre quand c’est nécessaire, tel qu’en ce moment où ce peuple doit faire face aux amalgames injustes, aux doutes, aux incompréhensions, de lui redonner confiance en lui-même et d’amener la communauté internationale, notamment les Nations Unies et l’Union Africaine, à lui faire confiance; à s’occuper de ses problèmes concrets, culturels, moraux, sociaux, à l’intérieur comme à l’exterieur du Cabinda, pour donner à sa jeunesse l’exemple d’un comportement qui l’aidera à retrouver l’espoir et à se forger un avenir dans le monde tel qu’il est. Quelles que soient les incompréhensions vécues dans le passé, je crois vivement que l’unité des forces politiques, sociales et ecclésiales du Cabinda est réalisable. C’est même une nécessité De même, je suis persuadé que les changements qui interviendront dans la courageuse lutte que mène le peuple de Cabinda pour la libération définitive de son pays, doivent être le fait des Cabindas eux-mêmes. C’est pourquoi les Cabindas doivent être fortement soudés et doivent Vive le Cabinda libre! Mes chers compatriotes, unissons-nous pour gagner ensemble! Norbert Itoula A CALL TO UNITE THE POLITICAL, SOCIAL FORCES AND CHURCHES OF CABINDA My dear compatriots, In the situation which saw today our heroic people, the quarrels of the people or groups and the legitimate ambitions or not, which prevent our people from carrying out the unit of its forces, are not tolerable any more. It is urgent for these cruelly ravaged people by several years of mistakes to obtain a representative body, of an uncontested direction, able to guide it in the difficult moments and to defend it when it is necessary, such as in this moment when these people must face the unjust amalgams, with the doubts, with incomprehension, to give them again confidence in themselves and to bring the international community, in particular the United Nations and the African Union, to trust them; to occupy themselves of its problems concrete, cultural, moral, social, inside as to the exterior of Cabinda, to give to its youth the example of a behavior which will help it to find the hope and to forge a future in the world such as it is. Whatever the misunderstandings of the past, I believe highly that the unit of the forces political, social and connected with the church of Cabinda is realizable. It is even a pressing need. In the same way, I am persuaded that the changes which will intervene in the courageous fight that carries out the people of Cabinda for the final release of its country, must be achieved by Cabindans themselves. This is why Cabindans must be strongly welded and must count on their own forces, their own determination, their own genius, to analyze coldly, but in a pragmatic way the current situation of the country and to find the solutions suitable. I thus invite you to join to you to us in the fight which we believe useful and urgent to engage on the level of the United Nations and the African Union. Live free Cabinda! My dear compatriots, let us join together! Norbert Itoula
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