A History of Latin America and the Caribbean
(and malcontents)
Chapter 1: Ancient America
Before 1492
Introduction |
The First Americans |
Before the First Horizon |
The Mysterious Olmecs |
The Chavin Culture: Peru's Great Leap Forward |
The Paracas: Dream Weavers |
The Zapotecs |
Rise of the Maya |
Teotihuacan, the City That History Forgot |
The Moche: Masters of Clay |
The Nazca: Lines In the Desert |
The Magnificent Maya: The Early Classic Era |
The Magnificent Maya: The Late Classic Era |
Palenque |
Copán |
Tikal and Calakmul |
The Collapse of the Teotihuacan and Maya Civilizations |
Tribes of the Caribbean |
The People of El Dorado |
Tiahuanaco, the City of the Altiplano |
The Huari Empire |
The Toltec Middlemen |
Yucatan: The Maya Epilogue |
The Mixtecs |
Forerunners of the Incas |
The Tepanecs and the Rise of the Aztecs |
The Inca Conquests |
Tahuantinsuyu |
The Bloody Splendor of the Aztecs |
On the Threshold |
Chapter 2: The Age of the Conquistadors
1492 to 1650
Christopher Columbus |
What Colombus Really Discovered |
Population At First Contact |
The Conquests of Ahuitzotl and Moctezuma II |
Huayna Capac |
From Hispaniola to Mexico, and the Discovery of Brazil |
"Pioneers Take the Arrows" |
The Conquest of New Spain |
The Conquest of Central America and Western Mexico |
The Conquest of Peru, Act 1 |
The Conquest of Peru, Act 2 |
The Conquest of Peru, Act 3 |
Colonizing Paraguay |
Filling In the Gaps |
Miners, Traders and Raiders |
The Conquest of Peru, Act 4 |
The El Dorado Dream |
The Church Comes to Latin America |
The Colonization of Brazil |
French and English Inroads in the Caribbean |
Spain Comes To the End Of the Line |
Population Figures After the Conquest, and the Columbian Exchange |
Chapter 3: A New World No More
1650 to 1830
A Hollow Empire |
The Jesuit Experiment |
Caribbean Contention, Part 1 |
The Golden Age of Piracy |
Famous Pirates |
The Darien Scheme and the South Sea Bubble |
Caribbean Contention, Part 2 |
The Settlement of Mexico's Northern Frontier |
The Seven Years War and the American Revolution In Latin America |
Growing Trouble between Spain And Her Colonies |
Brazil: Movement Inland, and to the South |
The Haitian Revolution |
The Liberation of Latin America Begins |
Bolívar and San Martin |
The Haitian Monarchy |
Bolívar's Campaigns |
Early Paraguay: Marxism Before Marx |
Over the Andes |
Gran Colombia |
The First Mexican Empire |
Brazil: Independent By Accident |
All Roads End At Ayacucho |
The Falklands Dispute Begins |
The Shattered Dream |
Chapter 4: Post-Colonial Blues
1830 to 1889
The Struggle to Build New States |
Enter the Caudillo |
Central America: Out of One, Many |
Mexico: Santa Anna's Misadventures |
Argentina: The Rise and Fall of Rosas |
Chile: The Conservative Era |
Peru and Bolivia: Disorder on the Borders |
Paraguay: El Excelentísimo |
Uruguay: Caught in the Crossfire |
Mexico: The Incredible Shrinking Country |
New Granada |
The Reform War |
Nicaragua: The Filibuster |
Honduras, Costa Rica, and El Salvador in the Nineteenth Century |
Venezuela: The Barracks |
Ecuador: The First Generation |
The Franco-Mexican War |
Argentina Pulls Itself Together |
Chile: The Liberal Era |
The War of the Triple Alliance |
Cuba and Puerto Rico: The Last Spanish Colonies |
Haiti and the Dominican Republic: Experiments in Bad Government |
Ecuador: The Monastery |
A Golden Age Begins for Argentina and Uruguay |
Guatemala Takes a Step Back |
The British Honduras |
Mexico: The Porfiriato |
The War of the Pacific |
Colombia: The University |
Império Brasileiro (The Brazilian Empire) |
New Arrivals in the Guianas |
Breaking the Rubber Monopoly |
Chapter 5: Uncle Sam's Backyard
1889 to 1959
The Big Picture |
Latin America's Role in the World Trade Network |
Enter the United States |
A New Kind of Revolution |
Cuba Libre! |
Costa Rica: King Banana |
The War of a Thousand Days |
The First US Occupation |
Mt. Pelée Kills St. Pierre |
The Panama Canal |
Peru: The Aristocratic Republic |
Venezuela: The Tyrant of the Andes |
Colombia: The Conservative Republic |
The Mexican Revolution, Phase 1: Conservatives vs. Liberals |
Uruguay's Welfare State |
The United States Occupation of Haiti |
Argentina: The Radicals In the Saddle |
The Mexican Revolution, Phase 2: Moderates vs. Radicals |
Independent Cuba: The Early Years |
Guatemala: A Cultured Brute and a Napoleon |
Brazil: The Old Republic |
Honduras: La Republica de los Bananas |
Chile: Parliamentary and Presidential Republics |
Ecuador: The Leftover Country |
The Mexican Revolution, Phase 3: Coming Full Circle |
The Dominican Dictator |
The Chaco War |
El Salvador: The Coffee Republic |
Uruguay: The Terra Era |
The Somoza Dynasty, Act One |
Panama: The Bisected Protectorate |
The Infamous Decade |
Getúlio Vargas and the Estado Nôvo |
Colombia: "The Revolution On the March" |
The Battle of the River Plate |
Bolivia: Contending Ideologies |
Cuba: Batista's First Reign |
Venezuela In Transition |
The Rise of Juan Perón |
Haiti: Elections and Coups |
Peru: APRA vs. the Army |
Paraguay: The Rise of the Colorados |
Costa Rica: The Unarmed Democracy |
"There's No Place Like Uruguay" |
The Bolivian National Revolution |
Cuba: The Auténticos and the Second Batistato |
Puerto Rico: "Candy-Coated Colonialism?" |
The Ten Years of Spring |
After the Mahogany Rush |
Getúlio Vargas, Back for an Encore |
The Perón Decade |
La Violencia |
Venezuela: Back In the Barracks |
A Word on the Guianas |
The Cuban Revolution |
Or if you want to read about just one country in Chapter 5, click on one of the links in this table:
Chapter 6: Contemporary Latin America
1959 to 2014
One More Overview |
The Roller Coaster Ride of Economics |
The Abandonment of the Monroe Doctrine |
The Pink Tide |
The Changing Role of the Church |
Getting Along and Meaning It |
The Drug Trade |
Environmental Challenges |
Cuba: The Revolution Continues |
Venezuela's Democratic Interlude |
Brazil: The Death of the Middle Republic |
Weak Radicals and the Argentine Revolution |
Colombia: The National Front |
Che! |
Democracy Breaks Down in Chile |
Peru: The Revolution from Above |
Mexico: The PRI Corporate State |
Meet the Duvaliers |
Honduras Goes From Military to Civilian Rule |
Ecuador: From Yellow Gold to Black Gold |
Tupamaros and Tyrants |
The Somoza Dynasty, Act Two |
Paraguay: The Stronato |
Brazil: The Military Republic |
Bolivia: The Banzerato |
Red Star In the Caribbean |
The Perón Sequel and the "Dirty War" |
Panama: The Canal Becomes Truly Panamanian |
The Dominican Republic: The Balaguer Era |
The Guianas/Guyanas: South America’s Neglected Corner |
French Guiana |
Guyana |
Suriname |
The Salvadoran Civil War |
Belize: A Nation Under Construction |
The Guatemalan Civil War |
The Southernmost War |
Among the Islands |
Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Dominica |
Grenada |
Jamaica |
St. Kitts & Nevis |
The Netherlands and French Antilles |
Colombia: Land of Drug Lords and Guerrillas |
The Pinochet Dictatorship |
Peru: The Disastrous 1980s |
The Switzerland of Central America |
Nicaragua: The Contra War |
Ecuador After the Juntas |
Chasing Noriega |
Argentina’s New Democracy |
Hugo's Night in the Museum |
Democracy Comes to Bolivia (at Last) |
Haiti: Beggar of the Americas |
Peru: The Fujimori Decade |
Brazil: The New Republic |
Cuba's "Special Period" |
Chileans Put Their Past Behind Them |
Colombia’s Fifty-Year War |
Uruguay Veers from the Right to the Left |
Daniel Ortega Returns |
Ecuador: Dollarization and a Lurch to the Left |
The Chavez Administration, Both Comedy and Tragedy |
Argentina: The New Millennium Crisis, and the Kirchner Partnership |
Guatemala Since the Peace Accords |
Can Paraguay Kick the Dictator Habit? |
Honduras: The Zelaya Affair |
Peru in the Twenty-First Century |
Bolivia: The Evo Morales Era |
The Mexican Drug War |
Puerto Rico: The Future 51st State? |
Conclusion |
Or if you want to read about just one country in Chapter 6, click on one of the links in this table:
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