The Genesis Chronicles: A Proposed History Of The Morning Of The World
(and malcontents)
Introduction |
How Did We Go So Wrong? |
Theories Concerning the Origin of the Solar System |
What Are Fossils? |
Catastrophism |
Uniformitarianism |
Charles Darwin |
Evolution Comes to America |
Catastrophism Returns: Some Suggested Literature |
An Introduction to Flaws in the Theory of Evolution |
Did the Big Bang Happen? |
About Star Formation |
An Unquiet Solar System |
Mercury |
Venus |
The Earth and the Moon |
Mars |
The Asteroids |
Juptier |
Saturn |
Uranus |
Neptune and Pluto |
Comets |
The Primordial Earth |
What Are the Chances? |
Does Environment Affect Heredity? |
What About Genetic Variation? |
The Case of the Peppered Moth |
"Hopeful Monsters" |
Does Embryology Prove Evolution? |
What We Should Find |
How Are Fossils Made? |
The Geologic Table |
The Pitfalls of Radioactive Dating |
Back to the Beginning |
The Fish That Walked |
The Terrible Lizards |
A Feathered Flying Machine |
Ramapithecus |
Australopithecus |
Homo Habilis |
Java Man |
Peking Man |
Gigantopithecus and Meganthropus |
Piltdown Man |
Nebraska Man |
Heidelberg Man and Rhodesian Man |
Neanderthal Man |
"Hobbits," er, Homo Floresiensis |
Denisova Man |
Boskop Man |
Cro-Magnon Man, Conclusion |
No Compromise |
Evolution Undermines Faith |
Why Not Accept the Creation Account As It Is? |
The World Before Adam |
Tales Told By the Rocks |
Day One |
Day Two |
Day Three |
Day Four |
Day Five |
Day Six |
Day Seven |
Male and Female |
Parallel Creation Stories |
Where Was the Garden of Eden? |
The Fall of Man |
How Did Some Animals Become Meat-Eaters? |
The Forbidden Fruit's Identity |
Cain and Abel |
Unnatural Foods |
Where Did Cain Get His Wife? |
The Cainite Civilization |
The Children of Seth |
The Babylonian Connection |
The Riddle of the Ooparts |
Memorizing -- and Losing -- Knowledge |
Geology and the Local Flood Theory |
Was There Enough Room on the Ark? |
Why Was There a Flood? |
The Wives of Noah |
Where Is the Ark? |
Signs in the Stars |
God's Limiting Action Against Evil |
The Parting of Pangaea |
The Ice Age |
Our Middle Eastern Heritage |
Were There Cave Men in Historical Times? |
The Origin of Grain |
Canaan and the Nature of Noah's Curse |
The Descendants of Japheth |
The Descendants of Ham |
The Descendants of Shem |
A Disclaimer About Race |
Going Down From the Mountains |
The Tower of Confusion |
Characteristics of Babel |
Did Polytheism Begin at Babel? |
Enmerkar vs. Aratta |
Possible Gaps in the Chronology of Genesis 11 |
The Black Fleet |
The Great Diaspora |
Ecology and Civilization |
Onward to the Bronze Age |
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