The Genesis Chronicles: A Proposed History Of The Morning Of The WorldChapter 6: WHY GOD'S PEOPLE SHOULD REJECT EVOLUTIONThis chapter covers the following topics:
No CompromiseAt this point some of you may be asking, "Can we all get along?" After all, the evolutionists have more than a hundred years of research on their side, and almost everybody has accepted evolution by now. Just look at how many major religions accept it today:
About the only creeds not included in the above list are the fundamentalist forms of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Often an attempt to reach a common ground has been tried; they have called it many names, the most common being "theistic evolution." Whatever form it takes, theistic evolution says that God created us but used the evolutionary process to do so. This so-called "common ground" is shaky ground. Followers of theistic evolution are trying to bridge together two diametrically opposed ideas. They are like the bystander who walks into the "No Man's Land" of a war zone, where he risks being shot at by soldiers from both sides. When Christians try to bridge the gap by making concessions ("Maybe the seven-day Creation really took seven ages"), the other side doesn't do likewise; if one of them suggests that something had a supernatural cause or refers to the Bible, he is immediately called a bad scientist.(1) The only thing evolutionists are willing to concede is that there may be a God, but He (She? It?) is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, toward the end of his life, Carl Sagan would admit to nothing more: "The evidence so far at least and from the laws of nature aside, does not require a Designer. Maybe there is one hiding, maddeningly unwilling to be revealed."(2) No attempt at a compromise has convinced everybody, which is why new attempts have been tried, again and again. It is also worth pointing out that while a compromise may bring peace, the solution may turn out to be dead wrong; we see this quite often in politics. Usually the compromise reached is a middle ground halfway between what the two main antagonists want. Donald W. Patten gives this example: Suppose two children are trying to add 5 and 5. One of them comes up with an answer of 15; the other writes 55. Both are wrong, but to prevent a fight, a third kid suggests the sum is really 35. Now 35 is right between 15 and 55, but if you accept that, you're no closer to the correct answer of 10 than you were before, and in the fields of scientific and historical research, this can lead to brand new problems. Henry Morris, in The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth, lists seven Biblical and theological objections to accepting any form of evolution. So far as we can tell, no "Christian evolutionist" has come up with a serious answer to even one of these objections.
1. Evolution contradicts what the Bible calls a "finished creation."A fundamental tenet of both evolution and the uniformitarian doctrine underlying it is the assumption that the processes which shaped the earth act so slowly that we that can barely observe them today, and will continue for a long time after mankind is gone from the scene. This goes against the statement that God rested on the seventh day because He had finished His creation on the sixth (Gen. 2:3). Read Exodus 31:17 and Hebrews 4:3 for more testimony that the task of creation is finished.
2. Evolution contradicts the doctrine that mankind, plants and animals are different.Evolution teaches that all life evolved from a single cell, and diverged into the forms we are familiar with today. Most of the branches in this "family tree" of life were drawn up more than a hundred years ago; e.g., they thought up the connection between man and apes long before any ape-man fossils like Australopithecus were discovered. Most of this is simple guesswork done by observing and comparing physical characteristics. On the surface we would expect certain features to be the same if they are used for the same purpose, because there are only so many ways to construct a heart or an eye. However, when one examines living cells under a microscope one will find too many differences to explain away by chance occurrence, "beneficial mutations," etc. Now look at what the Bible says: "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of man, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." (1 Cor. 15:39). In the previous verse, Paul wrote that God made all species different to begin with--and intended them to stay in the form He shaped. "God giveth a body as it hath pleased him, and in every seed his own body." (1 Cor. 15:38) One way to see this is by looking at the most fundamental differences between plants, animals, and ourselves. Most animals can move, while most plants are stationary; most plants can make their own food by photosynthesis, while animals have to get their food by eating other forms of life. Plants have a form of life, and go through what we would call a life cycle, but it is usually done at a much slower pace than ours. Consequently many plants live longer than us and die more slowly; trees can live for hundreds, occasionally thousands of years, while there is not a verified case of any animal in the modern world--not even the tortoise--living to see its 200th birthday. Also, plants have a fleshy form that lives, but they don't have anything we would recognize as a personality or soul. Many animals do exhibit a personality, and possibly have a soul, but no religion calls for their salvation, so it appears they don't have a spirit to go anyplace when they die. Humans, however, have a spirit in addition to a body and a soul, so we need a savior, to keep from suffering a second (spiritual) death after the first death (see Revelation 20 for details). When Jesus promised us eternal life, he meant eternal spiritual life; some cult leaders have promised their followers eternal physical life, until their own deaths proved their teachings were false.(3)
3. Evolution gives the impression that God is not really omniscient.The story of evolution is full of trial and error, unsuccessful experiments, dead ends, misfits, and creatures too specialized to stay alive in their environment ("evolution run wild?"). Random combinations and chance are supposed to explain every form of life in the world today, rather than divine planning. If man was God's ultimate goal, than why did He create dinosaurs and let them flourish for more than 100 million years, as accepted theories assert, only to let them become extinct? And if dinosaurs were the problem, why did He wait about 60 million years after the dinosaurs disappeared to make man? Such random meandering, where many failed experiments must take place for every successful one, is an extremely wasteful way to create anything, a method none of us would likely follow if we had the power to create our own worlds. "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Cor. 14:33), and God commanded that "Let all things be done decently and in order" (1 Cor. 14:40), so it would be strange if He made so many mistakes in His own work.
4. Evolution goes against the idea that God is full of love and mercy.If the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record is true, then billions, perhaps trillions of creatures had to perish to give us the world we live in, and all of us will have to die before any superior life forms can come along in the future. How could a loving god be responsible for millions of years of suffering, disease, violence and death on a scale like this? This slaughter makes the bloodiest spectacle in the ancient Roman Colosseum look tame by comparison! Jesus told us that God cares for even the flowers and sparrows (Matt. 10:29). Wouldn't it be both more merciful and more efficient to create everything right the first time?
5. Evolution contradicts entropy, also known as the second law of thermodynamics.Since the fall of man the very ground we walk on has been cursed (Gen. 3:17). Paul said that all of creation is waiting to be delivered from death, decay and corruption (Rom. 8:21). Isaiah compared all flesh to grass, withering away after a season (Isa. 40:6-7), and declared that "The Earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner" (Isa. 51:6). Because of that curse all of us are destined to grow old and die (Hebrews 9:27). This agrees with one of the most fundamental laws of physics, the second law of thermodynamics. The first law says that the amount of energy in the universe is constant; energy cannot be created or destroyed, so new energy cannot "come out of nowhere" to do work if the job cannot be done with the energy available now. The second law states that the amount of available energy in the universe is decreasing, not increasing. The universe is running down; it is not so much an old universe as it is a tired one. Any object left alone tends to become simpler, less orderly; it has always been easier to break things than to put them together. Neglected gardens fill up with weeds, food "goes bad" in the refrigerator, and even wine turns to vinegar when left unattended for too long. And anyone who is 30 years of age or more can testify that the body doesn't work as well as it used to! A self-professed atheist and evolutionist, Isaac Asimov, explained the second law in better words than I could use myself: "Another way of stating the second law then is, the universe is constantly getting more disorderly. Viewed that way we can see the second law all about us. We have to work hard to straighten a room, but left to itself it becomes dusty and musty even if we never enter it. How difficult to maintain houses and machinery, and our own bodies in perfect working order. How easy to let them deteriorate. In fact, all we have to do is nothing, and everything deteriorates, collapses, breaks down, wears out, all by itself. And that is what the second law is all about."(4) What this means is that molecules and life forms cannot improve themselves on their own, they can only get worse. And if this is the case everywhere in the universe, then evolution is in a heap of trouble! Yet Asimov never forsook evolution, because that would imply there is a god after all. Which brings me to a very important point concerning the creation-evolution debate:
1. If you don't believe that God exists, evolution will prevail over creationism. Harold Hill, in his humorous book on creation, From Goo to You by Way of The Zoo, proposed an experiment in entropy which anyone can do. Just let yourself go--do nothing at all to take care of yourself. Here is what will happen:
After two days, you look like a slob. After three days, you smell like a slob. After four days, you are a slob. Despite your best efforts you won't evolve wings, but others might--to get away from you! Contrary to what advertisers tell us, you're not getting better, you're getting older. Nothing gets better or more complicated without some form of intelligence directing it. I don't like to keep repeating myself, but where there is a design there has to be a designer . . .
6. Evolution teaches ethics which are incompatible with our Judeo-Christian heritage.Evolution teaches that the ultimate goal of every organism is survival, since a life form that does not live long enough to produce descendants cannot play its part in the evolutionary scheme. The most important natural law is natural selection, survival of the fittest. The weak and the misfits are eliminated, only the strong survive. God did not tell us to struggle and destroy our enemies, He taught us to sacrifice ourselves for their sake. A well-known anti-creationist professor, Paul (P.Z.) Myers, is in agreement on the ethics issue, if not with anything else that creationists believe: "First, there is no moral law: the universe is a nasty, heartless place where most things wouldn’t mind killing you if you let them. No one is compelled to be nice; you or anyone could go on a murder spree, and all that is stopping you is your self-interest (it is very destructive to your personal bliss to knock down your social support system) and the self-interest of others, who would try to stop you. There is nothing ‘out there’ that imposes morality on you, other than local, temporary conditions, a lot of social enculturation, and probably a bit of genetic hardwiring that you’ve inherited from ancestors who lived under similar conditions."(5) From this point of view, evolution is also incompatible with the thinking of enviromentalism. For various reasons, most of them good, we want to protect endangered species, and have set up laws, national parks, etc., for that purpose. The most celebrated environmental case in recent years was that of the northern spotted owl, for which thousands of acres in the Pacific Northwest was set aside as a permanent habitat, causing many lumberjacks to lose their jobs in the process.(6) If we took natural selection seriously, we would say, "Hey, it's survival of the fittest. If the spotted owl can't defend itself against the chainsaw, why should it survive? Let a more fit creature take its place." Or we might say, "Why all the fuss to save manatees and Florida panthers? The world's gotten along without dinosaurs." And where man has caused creatures to become extinct, like the dodo and the passenger pigeon, nothing has yet evolved to replace them.
7. Evolution produces ungodly behavior.This is my favorite of the seven reasons, and this is why I have declared evolution to be the devil's worst lie of the past 200 years. Evolution has been used to justify atheism, communism, Nazism, racism, sexism (Darwin and his colleagues thought that women were less intelligent than men), ruthless competition in the corporate arena, Freudian psychology, hedonism, anarchism, and other immoral and amoral practices. All of these ideas have been called "scientific" by their promoters because they are based on evolution. A man who does not believe in God will not act like he is personally responsible to Him, and will not care much for his fellow man. One of Darwin's old instructors, Professor Sedgwick, expected degenerate behavior to follow the acceptance of evolution. On December 24, 1859, less than two months after The Origin of Species was published, he wrote that: "If Darwinism did what he thought it could do, humanity, in my mind, would suffer a damage that might brutalize it, and sink the human race into a lower grade of degradation than any into which it has fallen since its written records tell us of its history."
![]() Monkey see, monkey do. Or is it human see, human do? During World War I evolutionary ideas motivated the Germans. Their chief philosopher at the time, Friedrich Nietzsche, taught that man could become a "superman"; if that is true, they reasoned, then Germany can become a "superstate," and that "survival of the fittest" would soon weed out its rivals. Hitler had a similar outlook; to create a perfect human race, he saw it necessary to eradicate millions of Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies--"inferior races" he called Untermenschen. All the while he thought he was accelerating human evolution, practicing "survival of the fittest" on a national scale. When he wrote Mein Kampf, he drew upon the works of Darwin and Nietzsche for his ideas. In this manifesto, Hitler claimed that man had risen above the animal kingdom by fighting his way to the top. Likewise, communist leaders like Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot have claimed that their brutal acts would create supermen in record time, and even supported absurd science when it seemed to agree with them (Remember Lysenkoism?). Karl Marx thought The Origin of Species was one of the greatest books ever written, and offered to dedicate his own Das Kapital to Darwin. Darwin refused--he was too much of a capitalist to accept Marx's militant communism and atheism--but can anyone besides God count the numbers of those who have suffered because individuals like Hitler and Marx tried to put Darwin's theories into practice? "Since Darwin's death, all has not been rosy in the evolutionary garden. The theories of the Great Bearded One have been hijacked by cranks, politicians, social reformers--and scientists--to support racist and bigoted views. A direct line runs from Darwin . . . to the extermination camps of Nazi Europe."(7) The reason why evolution degrades is that it assumes man is just another animal; the only thing that separates him from other beasts is an oversized brain. Because animals have no morals or values, it is considered unnecessary, and possibly detrimental, for humans to have them. Many intellectuals in fact endorsed evolution because it allowed them to get away with sexual immorality and other behaviors traditional Judeo-Christian ethics would not have tolerated. Paul summed it up by saying, "Professing to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)(8) With violent crime and lawlessness growing steadily, a million abortions every year in America, epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, and one out of every two marriages failing, the results of rationalizing away one's sins should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see. Guy N. Woods was correct when in 1976 he wrote, "Convince man that he came from a monkey and he'll act like one."
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